18 May 2024

The prayer walk is a tour and devotional journey passing by many of Guernsey's key sites

notable places. It is an opportunity to express unity together as a community, to gain

spiritual insight and to release the power of God's Word and Spirit over specific concerns

and parts of island life, and for particular people.

And seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its

behalf; for inits peace, you will have peace.” (Jeremiah. 29:7). The prayer of a righteous

person is powerful and effective (James 5:16).



I received the vision of the prayer walk during Covid, in August 2020. In the vision, I saw multitudes numbering in the hundreds to thousands, walking the streets in fervent prayer. As they journeyed, the desolate and disordered surroundings were transformed and made whole by the divine presence of the Holy Spirit. Concurrently, I received another vision, where numerous individuals from diverse denominations and walks of life congregated at Wembley Stadium, England. There, they united in prayer following the prayer walk. The Holy Ghost's power permeated the event and the stadium, such that in the ensuing days and weeks, people from various countries sought solace in the stadium, finding healing and answers to their prayers.

By faith, my wife and I started a family edition of prayer walk in 2021, where we walked through most of the parishes in Guernsey in one day praying. The first communal edition of the prayer walks at the Rock Community Church, Guernsey happened in 2022. We knew without doubt God was up to something in Guernsey. In 2023, more than 20 churches from various denominations took part in the prayer walk.

I will give you every place where you set your foot …. Joshua 1:3. A spiritual reawakening has begun in the

Bailiwick of Guernsey.



Whether you love walking, strolling, or cycling through the woods, farm fields, schools, workplaces, down a busy city sidewalk, along a beach, or strolling through neighbourhood, our vision is to elevate these exquisite experiences into impactful and enlightening spiritual transformative journeys.

We seek to catalyse spiritual awakening and stir a sweeping tide of revival fire in the body of Christ and our community, by taking our prayers to the very places where we desire to see God’s presence manifested and our prayers answered.

“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” Abraham Kuyper


01 Strengthen

To strengthen the cord of love and cooperation in the body of Christ.

02 Impact

To make impact in our communities through shared adventure of prayer.

03 Open our eyes

To open our eyes to real needs in our society, our ears to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to guide our hands and feet to actions.

How it works

Why a Prayer Walk?

God loves Guernsey. So does the church community! Prayer walks are a means of asking God to give you a heart for your neighbourhood. You see firsthand the needs in your community and how we can partner together to make a difference.

Who Should Take Part in the Prayer walk?

All Islanders who love Guernsey and are excited about its future. The event is open to everyone. It would be an amazing opportunity to tour the island, meet new people, have fun and bask in the summer sun.

Where is it?

The prayer walk spans all Guernsey parishes, featuring nine distinct routes this year. We aim for representation on all routes. Remember to register for your preferred route on the website.

How Do I Get Involved?
  • Choose and register for your preferred route
  • Participate in or pray for the event.
  • Give to supported charities
  • Attend the closing ceremony at Market Square in Town at 4pm

Music, Food and Prayer Fest - Market Square in Town

Invite your friends, neighbours and colleagues to the closing ceremony from 4pm-5:30pm


  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Government
  • Education
  • Hospitality (Hotels, Inns, Restaurants, Pubs)
  • Emergency Services (Fire Brigade, Royal National Lifeboat Institute, Air Sea Rescue,St Johns)
  • Police and Justice
  • Churches
  • Local Sport
  • Finance services
  • Agriculture and Farming
  • Shipping and Port
  • Tourism
  • International Relations
  • Education
  • and many more


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Who should get involved?

    Everyone who cherishes Guernsey, its vibrant community, picturesque beaches and countryside, conducive business climate, and food and lifestyle. If this is you, then you should get involved.

  • I don’t know how and what to pray about?

    Don't worry at all. We have you covered. Simply click the link below to see how you can pray for various areas in Guernsey.

  • If you cannot come out and walk?

    This is not a problem at all. Why not spend some time thinking about your parish and Guernsey as a whole and pray for the Island. You can also pray using this prayer guide link.

  • I would like to join the prayer walk from my house or along the way.

    Simply contact the route leader ahead of time and ensure you are staying along the walking path. 

  • Can I bring my friends, family, or my dog?

    Absolutely! The walk is a fun community adventure you share with loved ones and exciting new faces on your preferred routes.

  • Can I cycle instead of walking?

    Certainly! Whether you prefer cycling alongside friends or family, the prayer walk promises an experience filled with enjoyment, exploration, and profound spiritual enlightenment regarding God's work in Guernsey. Refer to cycling route.




Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 50mins

Route distance: 2.3 miles / 3.6 Km

Route Leader: Toyosi Ayoola

Notable sites

  • Start: Trinity Church
  • States of Guernsey
  • Fort George - Carpark and Military Cemetery
  • Co-op Grand Marche
  • End: Les Camps Methodist Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 60mins

Route distance: 2.9miles / 4.6Km

Route Leader: Rev Daniel Foot / Phil Rousel

Notable sites

  • Start: Les Camps Methodist Church
  • St Martin’s School
  • St Martins Community Centre
  • St Martins Church
  • Princess Elizabeth hospital
  • End: St Andrew’s Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 50mins

Route distance: 2.1miles / 3.4Km

Route Leader: Jesufemi Ayoola

Notable sites

  • Start: St Andrew’s Church
  • Airport
  • Forest Primary School
  • End: Bethesda Baptist Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 60mins

Route distance: 2.1miles / 3.4Km

Route Leader: Rev Adrian Datta

Notable sites

  • Start: Bethesda Baptist Church 
  • Co-op Enroute
  • Morrisons
  • St Peter’s Church
  • Silbe Nature Reserve
  • End: Torteval Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 1:50mins

Route distance: 5.8miles / 9.4Km

Route Leader: Tom Herring / Michelle Saville

Notable sites

  • Start: Torteval Church
  • Fort Grey maritime Museum
  • Lihou Island
  • Shingle Bank Reserve (La Claire Mare)
  • Vazon Bay
  • End: Vazon Elim Pentecostal Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 1:40mins

Route distance: 5.8miles / 9.4Km

Route Leader: Rosy Baldock

Notable sites

  • Start: Vazon Elim Pentecostal Church
  • Steppingstone Preschool
  • Les Beaucamps High School
  • Woodlands Nursery
  • St Matthew’s Church
  • Cobo Community Centre
  • Cobo Mission Hall
  • Saumarez Park
  • KGV Playing Fields & Community Centre
  • End: Shiloh Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 1:20mins

Route distance: 4.1miles / 6.6km

Route Leader: Chrissie Salmon

Notable sites

  • Start: Shiloh Church
  • Indoor Sports Centre
  • La Mare de Carteret Primary & High Schools
  • Grand Rocques Beach
  • Port Soif/ Portinfer Dunes Nature Reserve
  • Riverside Theatre Company
  • Vitality Fitness Guernsey
  • End: Les Capelles Methodist Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 1:25mins

Route distance: 4.1miles / 6.6km

Route Leader: Martine Le Page

Notable sites

  • Start: Les Capelles Methodist Church
  • The Pony Inn
  • Marks and Spencer
  • Vale Pond Nature Lookout
  • Vale Church
  • The Guernsey Clematis Nursery
  • Alliance
  • Guernsey Press & Co
  • Playing Field value Primary School
  • Bordeaux Harbour
  • Vale Castle
  • Northside Veterinary Centre
  • Go Charity Shop
  • Guernsey Electricity Limited
  • St Sampson’s Harbour
  • End: The Rock Community Church


Take-off time: 8:00am

Duration of walk: Approximately 1:10mins

Route distance: 3.1miles / 4.8km 

Route Leader: Emmanuel Ekoh / Blessing Ajibade / Katie Basset

Notable sites

  • Start: The Rock Community Church
  • Island FM
  • Submarine Limited
  • BBC TV & Radio
  • ITV News Channel TV
  • Fuel Depots
  • Salerie Corner & QE2 Marina
  • Guernsey Financial Services Commission
  • The White Rock & St Peter Port Harbour
  • Sir Edward T Wheadon House
  • Guernsey Police headquarters
  • Royal Court & States Assembly
  • Spurgeon Baptist Church
  • End: Eldad Elim Pentecostal Church



Praying that every step taken on this walk will be a step taken to reclaim his land for his purpose to bring about a rich inheritance of faith!

A Lady from England

As we were walking by Princess Elizabeth hospital in Guernsey, I saw a picture of a big key which was needed to unlock the situation with the hospital and education funding. I knew we needed to pray that God will unlock the situation.

Dorrien Harris

As we were walking by the Methodist church in St Martins parish, I saw a church full of glowing light, and darkness in the surrounding environment. I saw men and women in chains who were attracted and drawn towards the church. As they walk towards and got closer to the church, their chains began to break.

Walker from Route 2

As we walked past areas of enjoyment like pubs, shops, tourist attractions, and although all good things, they will not bring ultimate happiness. The island needs a priority shift to focus more on God who can provide for us and give us living hope.

Paul Battle

It was a real joy to be involved in a prayer walk in St Peter Port and Fermain Valley with Christians from other churches on the Island. A particular joy was praying with Christians from other countries – it felt like a Global Village Prayer Walk and a taste of heaven!

Jon Honour

It was good to connect with people from other island churches and complete the walk together and pray together. Also, that gathering at the end was fantastic and there was some great feedback and contributions from each of the routes walked. A real sense of how we had all been part of the chain which linked up across the island in prayer walk routes.

Sophie Tidd

Should you feel God speaking to your heart with a message to share prior to, during, or after the prayer walk, kindly let us know, and we will ensure it reaches all participants and Churches involved.

Send an email to


Contact us


Trauma Receovery Centre Guernsey

Trauma Recovery Centre Gsy

Youth Commission

Youth Commission

Gsy Caring for Ex-offenders

Guernsey Welfare

Guernsey Welfare

To make a donation to charity please make a bank transfer to:

Rock Guernsey Community Church



Ref: Prayer Walk


Why not buy a t-shirt or cap to wear on your walk

T-shirts available int Black, Navy Blue, Green, Pink or White

Caps available in Pink, Black or White.

All profits will go direct to charity.

T-SHIRTS - £15           CAPS - £10


    Rock Guernsey Community Church



    Ref: Prayer Walk Merchandise


    Got some questions or wish to sponsor? We'd love to hear from you.

    01481 242282

    The Rock Community Church, New Road, St Sampson GY2 4QE

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